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"Sunrise" is a truly accessible work for string orchestra and piano, and is perfect for celebration of life ceremonies, memorial services, end of year events, and any concert that needs an introspective work to add to its programming. "Sunrise" is a programmatic work intended to depict the beauty and power of a sunrise, specifically in the spring. This music was composed in loving memory of Noah Ram 23, a high school musician that tragically lost his life in a car accident just before the start of his senior year. Noah was an avid multi-instrumentalist, whose principal instruments were the piano, guitar, trumpet and contrabass. It is my hope that this music honors the memory of Noah. The metaphors and symbolism inherent in a sunrise afford the performers and listeners of this music the ability to interpret the melodies and harmonies on a personal level. May this music lift the spirits of all those that have lost a loved one far too soon, and bring feelings of hopefulness and gratefulness with each new sunrise.

YouTube Score can be found here:


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